Kimmyism #9: Get Active & Get Some!

I thought I'd share this article from, since--suprisingly--not many people realize just how beneficial SEX can be for your physical and mental health. Not only is it a good exercise; it's also a great way to reduce stress (not to mention improve your mood). I know some of you are thinking, "I knew that!" But what you may not realize is how SEX can be even BETTER for both you and your partner/significant other if you incorporate regular physical activity into your lifestyle.

Improve Your Sex Life with Exercise

If health and fitness aren't enough to get you to exercise, how about improving your sex life? Sure, exercise can help you look good and maybe that will help you get more sex, but I'm talking about increasing your potency and making sex more fun. You already know why exercise is so important for your health, but you may not know that studies have found a direct correlation between physical inactivity and a lack of potency. So, exercise can increase your potency, and it can also make your sex life more enjoyable. Here's what you'll need to get the most out of your sex life.

For enthusiastic sex, you'll need some cardio endurance. It won't be any fun if you bonk out halfway through. Shoot for 3 or 4 days of cardio exercise like running, walking, swimming or whatever floats your boat and your partner will thank you.

Sex also requires a little endurance. You may find yourself positions for short periods of time, so conditioning your body can be a plus for longer lasting sex. For endurance, you'll need to lift lighter weights for more repetitions. Check out some endurance workouts here and get conditioned for sex.

As long as we're talking about holding yourself in position, we might as well cover muscular strength, which is something else you'll need. Your muscles will be contracting like crazy no matter what position you're in, so it pays to be in shape to avoid nasty leg or foot cramps. For strength, you'll need to lift heavier weights for few repetitions. For some ideas, visit my Workout Center.

Flexibility can enhance anyone's sex life by making it a bit easier to get into your favorite position with a minimum amount of fuss. Why not try a little Yoga to get you in the mood? Or try these stretches to get you ready for the most vigorous sex.

Keep in mind that both sex and exercise have been proven to help reduce stress, so doing both on a regular basis should help you stay relaxed and happy. Exercise also helps increase your sexual desire. Tamar Love, About's former Sexuality Co-Guide, points out that low sex drive is often caused by stress and fatigue. When you're tired, you just don't feel like doing it, right? Exercise, along with a healthy diet and adequate sleep can boost your libido so you're up for anything.

Don't forget that sex burns calories! Okay, so it has to be fairly vigorous to get your heart rate going, but calories are calories right? A 130-lb person can burn about seven calories per five minutes of vigorous sex. Keep it up for two hours, and you'll burn off 177 calories...enough to get rid of those cookies you ate after dinner. Plus, you will impress your mate with your incredible endurance!

If you're pregnant, read about Sexual Relations During Pregnancy to find out safe ways to get some!

I don't know about that word, "potency" being thrown around (LOL!), but it's great article. Surveys have shown that over half of failed marriages end due to sexual problems. Get some exercise and get "some" people! Take sex out of the divorce equation.



Kimmyism #8: You are beautiful!

I thought I'd link this post to both my blogs today, because I want to spread this message to as many women and young girls as I possibly can.

Repeat After Me: "I AM BEAUTIFUL!"

Regardless of what size you are, the first step in your weight-loss journey is self-acceptance.

We are bombarded everyday by the media with unrealistic images of what today's "healthy" woman looks like. Most of these images go through extensive editing and *photoshopped before we get a chance to view them--making many of the average (real) women in America set up unrealistic goals for themselves in an attempt to become what they see in these pictures. Women need to aspire for a body image that is healthy for themselves. We come in ALL different shapes and sizes, and it is important for a woman to appreciate her own body and accept the curves she's been blessed with. Working out and eating healthy can improve your body, but at the end of the day, you cannot change the way your body is naturally shaped. For example, I will never, ever look like Kate Moss....nor would I ever want to. I am curvy. Kate has a thin waif figure. Without tens of thousand of dollars, Kate could never achieve the curves I have, and I will never in this life be that skinny. Guess what! I love my curves! I love 'em! I love 'em! That is the attitude we need to have before we can be successful in achieving our weight-loss goals. We need to love ourselves first. This is especially true for our impressionable young girls.

According to the Office on Women’s Health (Department of Health and Human Services), poor body image can lead to emotional distress, unhealthy dieting habits, eating disorders, and depression. This can definitely cause road bumps in your weight-loss journey. Before you can change your body, you have to like what you see in the mirror NOW.

Here are a few ways you can achieve a healthy and positive body image:

Exercise. Of course! Don't get me wrong; sweating is in no way an indicator of how good a workout you're getting. However, there is nothing like working up a sweat, feeling my muscles stretch and contract, and feeling so accomplished when I'm done. It is a great feeling knowing you've done something good for you--inside/out. Furthermore, each day you repeat this, your muscles look and feel more toned.

Go shopping. Screw that "waiting to buy clothes until I lose my weight" attitude! Find clothes that flatter your body shape NOW. Why do you have to wait to look and feel good? Highlight your strong features to feel sexy in whatever you wear, even workout clothes.

Compliment yourself. Look in the mirror and say out loud, “I am beautiful”. If you still need more encouragement, say "I love you girl." Hearing and saying this out loud can increase your self-esteem.

Accept compliments. How many of us hear “You look nice today!” and respond with " I don't/I look fat/I hate this outfit/I look horrible/I'm having a bad hair day." The next time someone gives you a compliment, simply say, “Thank you”. That small change can help you to focus on the positive, not the negative.

Eat healthy. Cut back on greasy, fatty, foods, and include more lean proteins, complex carbs, fruits and vegetables. Take a daily vitamin as well. This can also help you grow healthy hair, strong nails, and have glowing skin. Don't forget your 8 glasses of water per day. =)

Lastly, and most important, if you don't have a positive body image and accept and be happy with who you see in the mirror now, you'll likely never be happy with any milestone you reach on your weight-loss journey.

*Proof that seeing is NOT believing, unless you see them in person with your own two eyes. The reason I've posted these is to further impress upon you the fact that no one is least not
without Photoshop. :P

Beyonce after Photoshop:

Beyonce before Photoshop:

Penélope Cruz after Photoshop (they've literally removed a couple ribs):

Penélope Cruz before Photoshop:

Tyra before & after Photoshop:



Kimmyism #7: A Little Cleaning Won't Hurt Ya!

Do you ever notice how wonderful it feels to come home, after a hard day at work, to a well cleaned and organized home? How about when you come home to untidiness and chaos? Big difference, huh? I'm the kind of person who just can't relax in my own home if it's not clean. Studies have shown that many people experience symptoms of depression when their home is unclean and out of control. On the other hand, people have also expressed feeling as though the act of cleaning and organizing their home is actually therapeutic. There's something about the physical activity of scrubbing your bathtub or mopping the kitchen floor that allows the mind to relax a little. For one, simply knowing that you're getting the housecleaning checked off your to do list can put you at ease, so you can focus on other worries. It might just be the bleach, but I can swear my mental clarity is even improved...especially when tackling the non-daily type of chores. Maybe it's time you cleaned out that storage unit of a garage or cleaned the fridge. Whatever it may be, I'm willing to bet you'll feel 100 times better once it's done. =)



Kimmyism #6: Be Selfish!

You work hard! Don't you deserve to "play hard" once in a while? As much as you love your family and friends, once in a while you just have to unplug the phone and let them fend for themselves. Personally, I'm about to get beautified and go out all weekend with my girlfriends. You know how we LEOS do it! It'll be my birthday all month long, and I don't feel guilty about it at all. I am there for my family when they need me, I have a well-rounded--spoiled--daughter because I'm an awesome mom, I am recognized at work for my it's time for me! I've sent my daughter off to her grandmothers, and I won't be back until tomorrow.

I want you to send those calls straight to voicemail and spend at least a day spoiling yourself! Go get a facial, a massage, a very long pedicure, go hang with a group of your best-friends and ex-hale, go shopping, or just send the kids to their grandparent's house so you can sip on a good wine while listening to your favorite music. You deserve it! ;-)



Kimmyism #5: Closed Mouthes Don't Get Fed

Have you ever needed help with something and just couldn't get up the nerve to ask? Instead, you take on the entire project yourself, risking either a missed deadline or a half-assed finished product? In the end, YOU are the one who looks bad, especially depending on the audience of your project. It doesn't have to be work related either. It could be anything from finances, needing a babysitter, finding a mechanic, getting help on your taxes, to simply needing someone to show you proper form and execution of an exercise. Though you might be the epitome of "independent" and self-sufficient, sometimes a person just needs help.

If you're like me--I blame it on being a LEO--you'll have an enormous chunk of pride to swallow first, before you ask anyone for help. I love my independence, my intelligence, my efficiency in everything I endeavor to achieve, so it's not always easy to admit when I need a little help with something. Guess what, though...I also love being a team player. It feels damn good to realize that there are people out there who would genuinely love to help out. However, they'll never know you need it if you don't open your mouth and ask!

I know what you're thinking; "Well, what if they say no?" Again, you'll never know if you don't ask. If they say "no," what have you really lost? Pride? Screw pride! What has it ever done for you? Think about it. =)



Kimmyism #4: Kissable Lips

There is nothing like kissing someone with dry, chapped, crusty lips. LOL! I just had to giggle at that, because I've experienced it, and let's just say I never kissed that person again! EEWW! Fellas, this first part is for you too!

I'll make this short and sweet; if you want kissable lips, you need to exfoliate and moisturize. Just like you exfoliate your body, you should occasionally--I'd say no more than once per week--exfoliate your lips too. Guess what, you'll find the ingredients right in your kitchen cabinet! All you need is a pinch of sugar, which you'll place in the palm of your hand. Soak the fingertips of the opposite hand in water, and mix just a few drops of the water with the sugar until it's pasty. Apply to your lips in a circular motion--gently! Now rinse and pat dry, but you're not finished yet. You need to top it off by polishing your lips with a lip balm, Chapstick, Vaseline, or whatever you like to use on your lips. Be careful, because there are some products out there that ultimately dry your lips out more.

Speaking of a good lip product, I found one that I am so impressed with I just had to give them a little shout out. L'Oreal has a new product called Bare Naturale Gentle Lip Conditioner, and it actually does what it says it's going to do--condition your lips. I have replaced all Chapsticks and lip balms with this awesome product. The bonus? It's also a soft lip gloss. My lips feel moist and healthy (and kissable) all day, without the stickiness I get from some of my other lip glosses. I bought these two colors: Soft Peach and Soft Spice.

Regardless of what you use, try and keep something on your lips throughout the day to protect them. Yes, Chapstick does work.

*Warning: Avoid scrubbing your lips with too much pressure; you could risk tearing or cutting your lips. Be VERY gentle. Additionally, never exfoliate if you already have open cuts, sores, or any kind of preexisting condition.



Kimmyism #3: Secret To Soft & Silky Skin

My secret for soft and silky skin is simple: moisturize, moisturize and moisturize again. For optimum results, do this twice a day; once in the morning and again before bed. Yes, it can be time consuming, but it's so worth it! That's not all, though! You want to try and apply your moisturizer while still in the bathroom with the steam trapped inside. This is when your pores are most open, so you'll get the maximum benefit from your moisturizer. Another thing you can do--which is what I, personally, do--is apply a body oil while in the shower. Right before I get out of the shower, I smooth Neutrogena Sesame Oil all over and lightly rinse off. Make sure you pat-dry when you leave the shower. Most of the time, I still proceed with applying a good lotion just for extra moisturizing.

*Side note: Don't buy your lotion at the 99 cent store! Be a little more choosy about what you apply to your skin....because it's the only skin you'll ever have in this lifetime. I prefer something without mineral oil, since it can clog your pores. Think about how much you'll gain from spending a couple of extra dollars on a good moisturizer. One of my favorites is any one of the Curel Moisture Lotions.



Kimmyism #2: Exfoliation

Exfoliation helps to remove dead skin cells and prevent surface impurities that can block your pores. For daily exfoliation, use a body wash that agrees with your skin and a soft sponge. Take care if you like to use loofahs; I find them too abrasive for my skin. Also try a host of products on the market for exfoliating--salt scrubs, sugar scrubs, etc. These products are meant to be used once per week and can make your skin feel smooth and polished. One of my favorites is: Bath & Body Works Aromatherapy Sugar Scrubs. Don't forget to apply lotion after you've exfoliated. ;-)



Kimmyism #1: Prescription For A New You

Need a boost in mood, self-image, confidence, self-esteem....hell, even energy? Trust me when I tell you, it is worth every penny to just go out and spend the money on a new haircut. I don't mean just a trim; I mean a NEW YOU! It'll make you feel like a brand new woman! I LOVE mine! The bonus? The first thing we did was pull it all back and cut the minimum 10 inches to donate to Locks of Love, so I have a double-dose of "feel good" today. Not only do I look and feel fabulous, but I get to help a child with long-term medical hair-loss to receive a new hair piece. I'll be on a high for a while from this early birthday present to me! =)

