Kimmyism #9: Get Active & Get Some!

I thought I'd share this article from, since--suprisingly--not many people realize just how beneficial SEX can be for your physical and mental health. Not only is it a good exercise; it's also a great way to reduce stress (not to mention improve your mood). I know some of you are thinking, "I knew that!" But what you may not realize is how SEX can be even BETTER for both you and your partner/significant other if you incorporate regular physical activity into your lifestyle.

Improve Your Sex Life with Exercise

If health and fitness aren't enough to get you to exercise, how about improving your sex life? Sure, exercise can help you look good and maybe that will help you get more sex, but I'm talking about increasing your potency and making sex more fun. You already know why exercise is so important for your health, but you may not know that studies have found a direct correlation between physical inactivity and a lack of potency. So, exercise can increase your potency, and it can also make your sex life more enjoyable. Here's what you'll need to get the most out of your sex life.

For enthusiastic sex, you'll need some cardio endurance. It won't be any fun if you bonk out halfway through. Shoot for 3 or 4 days of cardio exercise like running, walking, swimming or whatever floats your boat and your partner will thank you.

Sex also requires a little endurance. You may find yourself positions for short periods of time, so conditioning your body can be a plus for longer lasting sex. For endurance, you'll need to lift lighter weights for more repetitions. Check out some endurance workouts here and get conditioned for sex.

As long as we're talking about holding yourself in position, we might as well cover muscular strength, which is something else you'll need. Your muscles will be contracting like crazy no matter what position you're in, so it pays to be in shape to avoid nasty leg or foot cramps. For strength, you'll need to lift heavier weights for few repetitions. For some ideas, visit my Workout Center.

Flexibility can enhance anyone's sex life by making it a bit easier to get into your favorite position with a minimum amount of fuss. Why not try a little Yoga to get you in the mood? Or try these stretches to get you ready for the most vigorous sex.

Keep in mind that both sex and exercise have been proven to help reduce stress, so doing both on a regular basis should help you stay relaxed and happy. Exercise also helps increase your sexual desire. Tamar Love, About's former Sexuality Co-Guide, points out that low sex drive is often caused by stress and fatigue. When you're tired, you just don't feel like doing it, right? Exercise, along with a healthy diet and adequate sleep can boost your libido so you're up for anything.

Don't forget that sex burns calories! Okay, so it has to be fairly vigorous to get your heart rate going, but calories are calories right? A 130-lb person can burn about seven calories per five minutes of vigorous sex. Keep it up for two hours, and you'll burn off 177 calories...enough to get rid of those cookies you ate after dinner. Plus, you will impress your mate with your incredible endurance!

If you're pregnant, read about Sexual Relations During Pregnancy to find out safe ways to get some!

I don't know about that word, "potency" being thrown around (LOL!), but it's great article. Surveys have shown that over half of failed marriages end due to sexual problems. Get some exercise and get "some" people! Take sex out of the divorce equation.




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