Kimmyism #4: Kissable Lips

There is nothing like kissing someone with dry, chapped, crusty lips. LOL! I just had to giggle at that, because I've experienced it, and let's just say I never kissed that person again! EEWW! Fellas, this first part is for you too!

I'll make this short and sweet; if you want kissable lips, you need to exfoliate and moisturize. Just like you exfoliate your body, you should occasionally--I'd say no more than once per week--exfoliate your lips too. Guess what, you'll find the ingredients right in your kitchen cabinet! All you need is a pinch of sugar, which you'll place in the palm of your hand. Soak the fingertips of the opposite hand in water, and mix just a few drops of the water with the sugar until it's pasty. Apply to your lips in a circular motion--gently! Now rinse and pat dry, but you're not finished yet. You need to top it off by polishing your lips with a lip balm, Chapstick, Vaseline, or whatever you like to use on your lips. Be careful, because there are some products out there that ultimately dry your lips out more.

Speaking of a good lip product, I found one that I am so impressed with I just had to give them a little shout out. L'Oreal has a new product called Bare Naturale Gentle Lip Conditioner, and it actually does what it says it's going to do--condition your lips. I have replaced all Chapsticks and lip balms with this awesome product. The bonus? It's also a soft lip gloss. My lips feel moist and healthy (and kissable) all day, without the stickiness I get from some of my other lip glosses. I bought these two colors: Soft Peach and Soft Spice.

Regardless of what you use, try and keep something on your lips throughout the day to protect them. Yes, Chapstick does work.

*Warning: Avoid scrubbing your lips with too much pressure; you could risk tearing or cutting your lips. Be VERY gentle. Additionally, never exfoliate if you already have open cuts, sores, or any kind of preexisting condition.




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