Kimmyism #8: You are beautiful!

I thought I'd link this post to both my blogs today, because I want to spread this message to as many women and young girls as I possibly can.

Repeat After Me: "I AM BEAUTIFUL!"

Regardless of what size you are, the first step in your weight-loss journey is self-acceptance.

We are bombarded everyday by the media with unrealistic images of what today's "healthy" woman looks like. Most of these images go through extensive editing and *photoshopped before we get a chance to view them--making many of the average (real) women in America set up unrealistic goals for themselves in an attempt to become what they see in these pictures. Women need to aspire for a body image that is healthy for themselves. We come in ALL different shapes and sizes, and it is important for a woman to appreciate her own body and accept the curves she's been blessed with. Working out and eating healthy can improve your body, but at the end of the day, you cannot change the way your body is naturally shaped. For example, I will never, ever look like Kate Moss....nor would I ever want to. I am curvy. Kate has a thin waif figure. Without tens of thousand of dollars, Kate could never achieve the curves I have, and I will never in this life be that skinny. Guess what! I love my curves! I love 'em! I love 'em! That is the attitude we need to have before we can be successful in achieving our weight-loss goals. We need to love ourselves first. This is especially true for our impressionable young girls.

According to the Office on Women’s Health (Department of Health and Human Services), poor body image can lead to emotional distress, unhealthy dieting habits, eating disorders, and depression. This can definitely cause road bumps in your weight-loss journey. Before you can change your body, you have to like what you see in the mirror NOW.

Here are a few ways you can achieve a healthy and positive body image:

Exercise. Of course! Don't get me wrong; sweating is in no way an indicator of how good a workout you're getting. However, there is nothing like working up a sweat, feeling my muscles stretch and contract, and feeling so accomplished when I'm done. It is a great feeling knowing you've done something good for you--inside/out. Furthermore, each day you repeat this, your muscles look and feel more toned.

Go shopping. Screw that "waiting to buy clothes until I lose my weight" attitude! Find clothes that flatter your body shape NOW. Why do you have to wait to look and feel good? Highlight your strong features to feel sexy in whatever you wear, even workout clothes.

Compliment yourself. Look in the mirror and say out loud, “I am beautiful”. If you still need more encouragement, say "I love you girl." Hearing and saying this out loud can increase your self-esteem.

Accept compliments. How many of us hear “You look nice today!” and respond with " I don't/I look fat/I hate this outfit/I look horrible/I'm having a bad hair day." The next time someone gives you a compliment, simply say, “Thank you”. That small change can help you to focus on the positive, not the negative.

Eat healthy. Cut back on greasy, fatty, foods, and include more lean proteins, complex carbs, fruits and vegetables. Take a daily vitamin as well. This can also help you grow healthy hair, strong nails, and have glowing skin. Don't forget your 8 glasses of water per day. =)

Lastly, and most important, if you don't have a positive body image and accept and be happy with who you see in the mirror now, you'll likely never be happy with any milestone you reach on your weight-loss journey.

*Proof that seeing is NOT believing, unless you see them in person with your own two eyes. The reason I've posted these is to further impress upon you the fact that no one is least not
without Photoshop. :P

Beyonce after Photoshop:

Beyonce before Photoshop:

Penélope Cruz after Photoshop (they've literally removed a couple ribs):

Penélope Cruz before Photoshop:

Tyra before & after Photoshop:




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