Kimmyism #7: A Little Cleaning Won't Hurt Ya!

Do you ever notice how wonderful it feels to come home, after a hard day at work, to a well cleaned and organized home? How about when you come home to untidiness and chaos? Big difference, huh? I'm the kind of person who just can't relax in my own home if it's not clean. Studies have shown that many people experience symptoms of depression when their home is unclean and out of control. On the other hand, people have also expressed feeling as though the act of cleaning and organizing their home is actually therapeutic. There's something about the physical activity of scrubbing your bathtub or mopping the kitchen floor that allows the mind to relax a little. For one, simply knowing that you're getting the housecleaning checked off your to do list can put you at ease, so you can focus on other worries. It might just be the bleach, but I can swear my mental clarity is even improved...especially when tackling the non-daily type of chores. Maybe it's time you cleaned out that storage unit of a garage or cleaned the fridge. Whatever it may be, I'm willing to bet you'll feel 100 times better once it's done. =)




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