Kimmyism #5: Closed Mouthes Don't Get Fed

Have you ever needed help with something and just couldn't get up the nerve to ask? Instead, you take on the entire project yourself, risking either a missed deadline or a half-assed finished product? In the end, YOU are the one who looks bad, especially depending on the audience of your project. It doesn't have to be work related either. It could be anything from finances, needing a babysitter, finding a mechanic, getting help on your taxes, to simply needing someone to show you proper form and execution of an exercise. Though you might be the epitome of "independent" and self-sufficient, sometimes a person just needs help.

If you're like me--I blame it on being a LEO--you'll have an enormous chunk of pride to swallow first, before you ask anyone for help. I love my independence, my intelligence, my efficiency in everything I endeavor to achieve, so it's not always easy to admit when I need a little help with something. Guess what, though...I also love being a team player. It feels damn good to realize that there are people out there who would genuinely love to help out. However, they'll never know you need it if you don't open your mouth and ask!

I know what you're thinking; "Well, what if they say no?" Again, you'll never know if you don't ask. If they say "no," what have you really lost? Pride? Screw pride! What has it ever done for you? Think about it. =)




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